Plastic Waste Control Project (PWCP)
1) Given financial Demand to waste plastic . 2) Create “Plastic Waste Control Project ” branch in Swachha Bharat Abhiyan. 3) Make plastic product in PWCP and use in social welfare schemes .
Role PWCP Members
1) In PWCP , receive waste plastic and given money to that person as Rs 10 / kg. Gathered plastic store in particular place near Waste Plastic Product Machine . 2) In PWCP , Waste Plastic Product Machine (WPPM) through making Plastic products like plastic bricks, mile stone, road divider, rode signs etc.
Plastic Waste Control Project is a new concept and in presence required to create new branch, under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan .Inside select student/person, which under poverty line, and that job has part time in earn and learn scheme. Any person in India can be involved in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan .Plastic Waste Control Project gives rate only for unsynchronized garbage like waste plastic material ,polythine etc. Rate of unsynchronized garbage material is standard as Rs 10 / 1 Kg (± Rs 5). and every year rate increase as Rs 1 / Year. Accept waste plastic and stored in authorized place Financial rate given to waste plastic as Rs. 10 / 1 kg. Creating product through WPPM and use in peoples welfare schemes. Structure to employs which is poor people’s or under poverty line people. Arranged educational programs and given information about this concept

In this part explained every stage in society/state/country, how to work and directly involved in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, ROLE OF EVERY PERSON Plastic Waste Control Project through possible financial demand to waste plastic, which available in public place, in river, in ocean etc. So, every person in team India remembers in mind, I am given help to create clean India. “Every man use left side pocket of pant and women use one compartment of parse to this waste plastic, which is create from himself and after it throughout authorized places”. And Plastic Waste Control Project through earn money as Rs. 10/1 Kg. Now in India, many children which can`t get education due to problem of money so he will be work in unauthorized places. Also many families which has away from basic needs. so now given financial demand to the waste plastic garbage, that is best option to the earn money and learn, also complete basic needs of poor peoples. ROLE OF EVERY FAMILY A waste plastic create from home/family that gathered in one bucket and after earn money as per Rs. 10/kg through Plastic Waste control Project. When concept start on ground in India, then money option is creating about gathered waste plastic because financial demand of such material.